> > Also, the built in SCSI on a VAX 3100 doesn't support drives over 1GB. >
That's not quite correct. The firmware on VAXstation 3100 and early MicroVAX 3100 machines has issues addressing directly attached SCSI disks larger than 1.073GB for booting and doing system dumps only. The issues can be worked around but this is not recommended as it is possible to end up unexpectedly writing a system dump over something else on the disk. The issue does not arise with larger drives attached to later model MicroVAX 3100 machines (or early model MicroVAX 3100 machines with updated firmware ROMs). There are no issues with larger disks attached to any VAX 3100 machines if they are not used for booting or dumping, ie they are used for storing data only. See the OpenVMS FAQ for further details if required. Regards, Peter Coghlan.