There is an HP book specifically on I/O interfacing to the 2100 (and 21MX) I/O 
bus. I think there's also an abbreviated chapter on it in a different manual. 
I'll see if I can dig up the name and if it's online anywhere.

I've restored at least five 2100's, and run a dual cpu 2100A & 2100S system 
regularly. I have never heard of nor seen a power supply failure on any of 
them. The power supply always came up with little or no pot adjustment, and 
nothing else required. I'd be surprised if your PS needed any attention unless 
they were under water.

Debugging the memory section is a far different matter. It's far *far* easier 
to troubleshoot if you have a known working set. If not, it's very easy for 
boards to test ok and then later fail and then later test ok (bad upper section 
of a 16K driver, etc.).


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