Never did try OS/2. I had friends who were fanatics about it. There was a big push back then to go to it. When that failed they rallied to Linux. Really should set up a box here with it and try it out.
Sent from my Samsung device -------- Original message -------- From: Jerry Kemp <> Date: 2016-08-01 8:26 PM (GMT-08:00) To:, " and Off-Topic Posts" <> Subject: Re: Bill Gates: Windows 95 Was 'A High Point' Understood. That was OS/2 2.0 for me, after I had settled into OS/2 1.3 Unix took me longer to warm up to. Jerry On 08/ 1/16 07:29 PM, Brad H wrote: > > > I would call Win 95 a high point also. I lived near Toronto at the time and > remember the unfurling of a huge Win 95 banner down one side. There were > events > everywhere. MS was really at their zenith. The excitement around that launch > was > like nothing since. I believe I got swept up and installed it immediately but > shortly after removed it. Couldn't get used to the interface. Eventually for > one > reason or another I had to and did go back to it. Wasn't the greatest or most > stable OS and was kind of a half breed at that, but man.. what I wouldn't give > to feel the anticipation again, the difference between it and DOS. Nothing > released on either PC or Mac has come close. > Brad >