You know.. come to think of it.. it might have been something like this software I used to play with obsessively as a kid. My Dad had it for our PC. I completely forgrt the name. It was a CGA graphics proto-Powerpoint kind of deal. You could draw pictures, graphs etc.. and it also had clip art. You could do fade ins and outs and other effects. I think we had it later on.. 85 or after. But the colors and way it drew graphics was similar. And I think you could hotkey it to go to specific 'slides'. The mall computer just had a series of buttons alongside the screen from what I remember. Could have been rigged up to replicate certain keys. Wish I could remember the program name..
There was GRASP / GRASPRT? You could author all sorts of stuff in it.
There was presentation software called Harvard Graphics I think. -- Ethan O'Toole