Hello Adrian,
if the head positioning motor works, but the drive simply doesn't read the data, maybe the problem is in some track misalignment or bad head signal amplification / A/D conversion. Don't know about these drives, but if the interface is pretty standard, you could try the correct operation of the positioning motor simply powering the drive setting the signal DIRECTION high or low, and giving pulses to the STEP signal. You can do it connecting simple wires between 5V and GND and the pins on the connector on the back.
The positioning motor should move back and forth in steps.

For the track-0 sensor simply use a multimeter / oscilloscope and check if the level changes when the head is in track-0 position.

For the READ signal the thing is more difficult, because you need an oscilloscope to check the fast changing signals. You can check for good looking output signal, without spurious pulses or bad edges. Then you possibly have to check for correct timings, and this is even more difficult, but doable with the right equipment (powerful oscilloscope). Some drives have a small trimmer to slightly correct the spindle motor speed, whence the timing.

Alignment can be corrected loosening slightly the blocking screws between the head carriage and the stepper motor moving it, or in some drive the screws holding the stepper to the chassis frame, and moving head carriage / stepper motor very slowly in both directions until the amplitude of the signal of the read head is at the maximum. Then lock again the screws.

Years ago I had to repair four floppy drives for two DG One machines, as they were all failing, not reading nor formatting. Spindle rotated well, head moved correctly, but the drives couldn't read disks, and not even re-read its own data (formatting),
hence something bad on read / write circuits.
After various tests, the problem was on bad electrolytic capacitors on the spindle board. As the spindle motor started, it emitted high current pulses that caused ripple on the supply and also induced spurious pulses on the analog read signal. Result, the read data was badly interfered, and of course not correctly interpreted by the controller. I changed the capacitors, 3 over 4 drives worked. The last one required head alignment, but I didn't have any alignment disk. So I wrote three test disks with the 3 working drives, and tried to align the 4th to the best match.
Then finally even the 4th worked!

If you are in willing to try something, let me know.


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