Unfourtunately alot of the sun and os/2 stuff from the larger crate seems
to be incomplete. Less than half of the numbered disks for each set. Next
to useless in my eyes. All of the software from the first crate is
complete, i can get to listing what is there tonight.

I am making images of the disks. They will be available on my server, and
ill put them up on bitsavers or something of the like.


On Sat, Jul 23, 2016 at 3:19 PM, devin davison <lyokob...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I indeed do have procomm plus. disks 1 and 2. Let me see if they can be
> read.
> On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 8:04 PM, Tothwolf <tothw...@concentric.net> wrote:
>> On Fri, 22 Jul 2016, devin davison wrote:
>> I picked up two crates jam packed full of floppys today. Bunch of random
>>> old utilities in there, borland turbo asm, turbo pascal, windows for
>>> workgroups etc.
>>> I found a set of disks with the DEC digital logo on them. 4-5 disks,
>>> says dos for the dec pc. Some utilitys too. Are these of any use to anyone,
>>> or is it just a stock dos install with a dec sticker on the disk?
>>> There are little heaps of disks on just about every surface around here,
>>> i will post back with a complete list of what is here to see if anyone is
>>> interested in what is here. I just want some of the software off of the
>>> disks, i don't necessarily want to keep the two full crates of disks around
>>> . There is also an original copy of doom on floppy that looks to be
>>> complete.
>> I'm still on the lookout for Procomm Plus for Windows (ver 2.11) if you
>> happen across that on 3.5" disks. I bought what was supposed to be a boxed
>> copy off eBay years ago and it was mostly complete... box, manuals,
>> license, but no disks :)

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