Regarding price: there was a sign on the one I used at the University, directed 
to students obviously: "the HP 8510 is worth more than your life". 

Besides HP computers, I collect HP instrumentation. Actually the latter hobby 
created the need for the former, since I got into vintage HP computing to 
control said instrumentation collection. 


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> On Jul 8, 2016, at 11:27 PM, Paul Koning <> wrote:
>> On Jul 8, 2016, at 12:15 AM, Brent Hilpert <> wrote:
>> So a friend tells me there's a maybe-abandoned HP 8510 Network Analyzer in 
>> the hallway of the engineering building of the univ. he works at.
>> I presume it's a unit like this, as he says it's over a metre tall:
>> I figure its a little too far large and too far away from my needs to take 
>> it on, but out of curiousity does anyone know offhand what processor they 
>> used in these?
>> (I haven't looked in depth online).
>> Cursory guess is its mid-90s technology.
> That sounds right.  I have an HP catalog from 1993, which lists very similar 
> bits, an 8510 display unit and the 8515 and 8517 S-parameter test sets.  So 
> I'd guess this is a slightly later followup model.   List price of that day, 
> FYA, $36500 for the 8510C, and $41400 for the 8515A (slightly more for the 
> 8517 due to the higher top frequency).
> Something that's going to be obvious to some but possibly not to all: 
> "network analyzer" is short for "vector network analyzer", an electronic 
> component measuring device.  It has nothing to do with computer data networks.
>    paul

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