On 23/06/2016 2:38 AM, Brian Walenz wrote:
On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 12:01 PM, Noel Chiappa <j...@mercury.lcs.mit.edu>
Werner Buchholz (editor), "Planning a Computer System: Project Stretch",
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1962
Speaking of books, there's also a CDC 6600 book:
Jim E. Thornton, "Design of A Computer: The Control Data 6600",
Scott, Foresman, Glenview, 1970
(apologies for using the non-official link)
Really gotta do that Bibliography!
Here's a Dr Dobbs article with a couple of pics. Takes me back.
I joined CDC in Melbourne, Aust in 1972, worked mostly on 3200 machines
- Didn't like the Cybers, but admired the horsepower. I could fix a
3200, every time, that was the best training I ever had, alone with my
machine in Hobart, I loved it. When that ended, got into PDP 3rd party
maint. Thus was a career made.