On 6/20/2016 2:24 PM, Ian Finder wrote:
I find most of the open source HDL simulators kind of suck. I think you can still get ModelSim Web edition for free from altera.
I think you get 1 month free ... then $$$.
I like the CRASH and BURN testing for FPGA's. What I want is 5 volt I/O FPGA with a flash Boot prom for the FPGA on tiny 64 pin PCB. This way one can emulate a vintage logic board or cpu.
This will do mixed language designs of Verilog, VHDL and schematic, and works rather nicely.
Altera has AHDL as well. Not portable, but less confusing to write logic in.
Remember, each module is just a set of input and output signals, so the language really doesn't matter. Mixed language designs are very common. Yes, you can even build FPGA designs in a schematic editor out of library modules. No, I don't suggest you should.
With Altera, you had a TTL macro library at one time. Not sure if the newest version still supports it.