Can read it online:

On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 9:28 PM, Brian Walenz <> wrote:

> Is there an electronic copy of this floating around?  My (ex-library) copy
> is missing all of chapter 11, "What is there to calculate?.  (And the last
> page of the previous chapter).  The pages weren't ripped out, they were
> missing when it was bound.  Very annoying, I enjoyed the book right up
> until it crashed, so to speak.
> Two, also ex-library, copies are listed on Amazon, and I hesitate to get
> another copy with the same problem.  There are others, of course, at
> outrageous prices.  Or maybe I don't realize the significance of '1st
> edition, not ex-library'.
> Just to make any discussion a bit more interesting, what would you suggest
> along similar lines?  The two giant books on IBM (detailing "pre-360", and
> "360") were quite fun too.
> bri

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