What are the chances? Slim, but I'll ask anyway.

Now that I'm giving my Nova 3/12 some more attention and beginning to debug its 
6045 hard drive, I'm interested in dolling up the system some more, and 
replacing filler panels with things that emit noise and heat. My manuals say 
that I can mix 6030 floppy drives on the same bus with the 6045 hard drives, so 
I'd like to add one to my rack.

So, does anybody have a 6030 floppy drive for swap or sale?

I'm in southern California, which can be a relevant detail when talking about 
transporting vintage gear.

While I'm at it, additional removable packs for my 6045 drive would be helpful, 
too. Especially if there's anything interesting on them.

Mark J. Blair, NF6X <n...@nf6x.net>

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