On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 12:33 AM, Joan Sali <joan.sd...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hey there Curios Marc, > For sure we are on the same boat, promoting events, conferences and you > mentioned IEEE. Care to check the list of organizers with the privilege of > using this badge and I assure you 100%, SDIWC.NET is in the list. WE are > not SPAMMERS okay? > > If you have a format that would instantly tell the readers that a promotion > is a fraud or worthy to attend, then please share it. Otherwise, you are > just using your personal judgment which is unfair. > > Do you have proof that I am pocketing the required fees? If none, please > refrain from assuming. This is scary. No wonder this world is in chaos > because of people like you. Why not ask first then gather evidences before > judging? > > Again, I am not forcing you to believe me or the event I am promoting. Just > check the site, call the speakers, any one in the program committee or one, > two or all the reviewers. I'll tell you, you'll eat your words in a > heartbeat. > > Too high level sarcasm. Thank you anyway for reading. > > Warm regards, > Joan Sali > Conference Manager > INFOSEC2017 > http://sdiwc.net/conferences/3rd-international-conference-information-security-cyber-forensics/
'Joan' Get a horse. Mike http://www.corestore.org 'No greater love hath a man than he lay down his life for his brother. Not for millions, not for glory, not for fame. For one person, in the dark, where no one will ever know or see.'