On 2016-06-02 3:13 PM, Paul Koning wrote:
On Jun 2, 2016, at 1:11 PM, Rod Smallwood <rodsmallwoo...@btinternet.com> wrote:
Hi All
I saw a video about the systems used in 1950's and 1960's bombers
for navigation and bomb aiming.
I think they could be classed as a computer even lacking a stored program. I
just wondered if anybody had collected or restored such equipment.
I once heard an old retired SAC US Air force guy describe them as a "box of
cogs". Boy was he right
I don't know the air craft kind, but the Navy used analog computers for
gunnery. There's an excellent training film online:
The Royal Navy (UK) also had one called the "Admiralty Fire Control
Clock" they where also used by the Royal Canadian Navy and likely the
Royal Australian Navy as well. The WWII fire control center for the
land based harbour defences here in Halifax had one or two as well.
They took several people to operate with each person inputting their
assigned parameter. For a time in his RCN career my father-in-law's
action station was the "wind" on the fire control clock.