At 11:56 AM 5/3/2016, Swift Griggs wrote:

>The Quantel Paintbox:
>Superpaint running on a DG Nova 800
>The Bosch FGS 4000

Add to those the Avid/1 non-linear editor from Avid Technology, introduced in 
1989, which ran on a Mac II using some specialized hardware. It rapidly became 
the leading video editing system for television and film (which, of course, had 
to be digitized). It eventually displaced almost all celluloid cutting.

After NT4 was introduced Avid introduced Avid Studio for that OS, the first 
Windows OS that Avid considered stable enough for one of its edit suites. AFAIK 
everything before that was for Mac. They also built video playout systems for 
TV master control rooms that were Mac based. Perhaps Avid's best known product 
is Pro Tools, which they acquired when they bought Digidesign in 1994.

The small TV station that I worked for used Video Toaster before we bought Avid 
Studio. The latter made a huge difference in editing ability, FX range and 
quality, and rendering time.

Dale H. Cook, Radio Contract Engineer (and former TV Engineer), 
Roanoke/Lynchburg, VA 

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