I've used WD-40 on multiple occasions to 'rescue' older motorcycle and
automotive ignition systems that died in rain or heavy humidity. In all
cases, these were the older point-and-coil type systems, not the more
modern HEI systems (found in post-1976 in most cars & light trucks,
post-1980-82 in most cycles).

Just wipe off as much water as you can, and hose-on the WD-40. I don't
think it ever failed to get the machine running, until proper repairs could
be made to the ignition system. Silicone spray is also excellent as a
preservative and waterproofing for ignitions, but I've never tried it (or
had it on-hand) for a roadside rescue.

On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 7:28 PM, Paul Koning <paulkon...@comcast.net> wrote:

> > On Apr 12, 2016, at 8:19 PM, drlegendre . <drlegen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > "I suppose it might do that, but that's not its main purpose.  Its main
> > purpose is to loosen rusted and otherwise stuck fasteners and shafts."
> >
> > Here I thought that the 'WD' stood for Water Dispersant (version 40).
> Also,
> > while I have no use for the stuff myself, I've certainly never
> encountered
> > any of the 'horror stories' about it turning to wax, gum, +attracting+
> > moisture and fostering rust, ad nauseam.
> Yes, it does stand for water displacing, but I figured that refers to the
> water that's in the rust of rusted parts.  For drying ignition parts I've
> seen silicone spray; using a flammable spray like WD-40 seems a bit iffy.
> Also, one finds WD-40 sold (in bulk as well as cans) in machinery catalogs,
> far from car ignitions.
> And I've seen plenty of warnings against WD-40 in forums discussing
> metalworking machinery and firearms, or gunsmithing reference books.
>         paul

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