Noel wrote:
> My brain did eventually turn on, and I remembered DEC's habit of
> prints for included devices in with print sets for computers, and with
that in
> mind, I managed to locate another set in the -11/34A print set; that
one is a
> lot clearer.
> Anyway, the version in the -11/34A prints didn't include the actual
> console, plus to which the prints there had been heavily marked up by
> someone at some point. So I have produced a new set of prints:
> which includes the front console pages from the earlier set, and a
> up version of the pages from the -11/34A set for the M7859; hope this
> useful to someone!

Thank you very much -- this is indeed very useful.  It appears that this
printset matches the KY-11/M7859 on my 11/34A, and though it is working
fine right now, it's great to have just in case somewhere down the road
something goes astray.

Rick Bensene
The Old Calculator Museum

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