----- Original Message ----- From: "Mouse" <mo...@rodents-montreal.org> To: <cctalk@classiccmp.org> Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2016 9:32 PM Subject: Re: C & undefined behaviour - was Re: tumble under BSD
>>> (Please don't use paragraph-length lines.) >> Why not? Is your email client incapable of wrapping text? > > No; it just assumes that - if the text is not marked as reflowable - > that it shouldn't mangle it by inserting line breaks that weren't there > in the original. It is obnoxious to have a long line (say, a compile > line quoted from make output) mangled into illegibility by > gratuitiously inserted line breaks; it is perhaps even worse to have > multiple short lines pasted together by gratuitously deleted line > breaks. Each of those behaviours is broken. (When applied to text not > marked reflowable, that is. If the text is marked reflowable, then > either behaviour is fine - but such text needs to not only be marked > but be wrapped in accordance with the format=flowed spec.) > > I can, of course, rewrap text no matter how it's marked, just as I can > undo rot13, translate from EBCDIC, etc - but, as with those, it's an > additional step and thus impairs readability. > > /~\ The ASCII Mouse > \ / Ribbon Campaign > X Against HTML mo...@rodents-montreal.org > / \ Email! 7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39 4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B ------------ I find the opposite; my client wraps just fine, line lengths expanding or contracting according to font and window size; that seems to be the way most folks do it with the infinite range of font, screen and window sizes these days (not to mention top-posting also being the norm 'out there' ;-) On the other hand, when lines are fixed length, with a smaller screen/window or after a few quotes each adding a chevron or two to each line I end up with a hard-to-read text with most lines split into two. m