Cool to see another SGI guy around here. Welcome to the list.
 Im scheduled to pick up a couple of Tezro's next month along with some
related hardware and software. ill post back with some pictures to show
what I pick up.

On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 12:18 PM, Swift Griggs <>

> I recently picked up one of these devices. I'll apologize in advance if
> you folks have already had a discussion about the MiST. Basically, it's an
> FPGA that's capable of emulation (for lack of a better term) of many
> platforms on a hardware level. I only got mine about two weeks ago, and I'm
> still sifting through a ton of material and focused mainly on the Amiga and
> ST platforms (stuff I played with as a pre-teen and teen). I have to say,
> so far it's pretty awesome.
> The coolest feature in my opinion is the standard joystick ports on the
> side that "just work" with all the emulation targets. I always favored
> using Sega Genesis controllers in those (rather than the rinky-dink little
> "red joystick" of the time). They work oh-so-great with this rig.
> The only issue is finding a monitor that doesn't have a fit over 15Khz
> refresh rates. I use an NEC MultiSync with sync-on-green and all that fun
> stuff. I'm still busy getting AROS running on "my Amiga" (which is
> represented by an SD card with my ROM image from my A3000 and a metric
> crapton of floppy images).
> You basically hit a keystroke or joystick combo and you can swap floppies,
> reboot, etc.. If you are into any of these, I can recommend the MiST:
> * ST/STE (also on SCART 15KHz)
> * Amiga 500/600/1200 ( AGA CORE BETA core)
> * C64 (partially - still developed)
> * Atari 8bit ( 96%)
> * Collecovision
> * ZX81
> * Atari 2600
> * ZX Spectrum with AY, aslo with DIVMMC and ESXDOS
> * Apple II(x)
> * MSX
> * A few others, you'll want to check.
>    BTW, I'm new to the list (1st post). So, I'll introduce myself. I'm
> just another IT worker with a background in Unix systems. I'm 41 and I
> started with HP-UX 10.x (high school) and branched out to every kind of
> Unix box I could get my hands on (Yes. I'm one of those Unix zealots, but
> that might be too gentle a description). I spent the 90's with SGIs (which
> I still collect, I have an O2+, two Indys, and a bruzin' Tezro fully built
> out). I spent the early 2k's coding for supper as a "security engineer"
> (read: writing exploits which I don't much care for now) and some stints as
> a Tru64 admin. On the in between gigs and contracts I've touched just about
> everything (and in the last 10 years a lot of new Unix hardware). I've
> professionally admin'd or coded for IRIX, Solaris, Linux, Tru64 (OSF/1 or
> Digital Unix for some), FreeBSD, HP-UX, UNICOS, and AIX. As a hobbyist,
> I've also tinkered greatly with NetBSD (maybe my favorite), OpenBSD, and
> Minix. Then of course there is the spacey or rare stuff I've put hands on.
> I'm talking about things like UnixWare, Xenix, SCO, SunOS, BSDi, DG/UX,
> NeXTStep/OpenStep, A/UX, and even non-Unix stuff like Sprite, L4, QNX,
> HURD, BeOS, Haiku, AROS, Genode, and others. I code fairly well in C, shell
> script, and TCL. I code not-as-well in AREXX, Python, Ruby, PHP, Lua, and a
> few other scripting languages. I'm pleased to be on this list, and to make
> your myriad acquaintances.
> -Swift
> PS: My spell checker needs and ex-lax after going insane over this email
> full of Unix variants and ancient platforms.

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