>Richard Cini wrote:

All —

To close this out, I want to report that with Malcolm’s and Mattis’ help, I was able to get RT-11 v4 and v5.03 running on the H-11 using the TU58 emulator.
        Avoiding the gory details, the upshot is that there was a bus interrupt 
issue relating to how the cards were installed — I had the slot numbering wrong 
so there was a gap between two cards. RT-11 started booting and then barfed 
during the boot.

        Once I moved the second SLU to the right position, RT-11 booted 
properly. So, now I have both RT-11 v4 and v5 running on the H-11. Hooray!

        Thanks to all who helped push me along on this. I did create a separate 
Heath page on my Web site for it.


Rich Cini


Now that you have a working system, will it be used to run any specific
programs?  Based on your descriptions, the most important aspect of
the project was to get the H-11 system to run RT-11.  What I am very
curious about is what do you will do with the system now that it is running?

>From what you have stated, both stock versions of RT-11, V04.00 and
V05.03, are being used rather than the Heath supplied versions of RT-11.
Can you please confirm this assumption?

As for the interrupt problems, using an M9047 bus grant card would
probably also have solved the problem - if you have one.

At this point, do you have any other storage other than the emulated TU58?
If so, is it a Heath product or a real DEC product and which storage is it?

Jerome Fine

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