Planning for the 11th annual Vintage Computer Festival Midwest shall
begin in earnest in early April.  But since the dates have been locked
in for some time, there's no harm in getting them out early.

Returning to last year's great new location, this time with an extra
room and even more Visio-driven planning, VCFMW will once-again be
*the place to be* for retro-tech enthusiasts in the Midwest!  In an
effort to accommodate as many schedules as possible, our dates have
shifted back a bit vs. last year.  So please make a note on your
calendar, VCFMW 11 will be the weekend of September 10th and 11th,

As always, the fun will begin on Friday night with early load-in,
group dinner(s) and general frivolity.  Many details are yet to be
worked out, but we envision a slight schedule change (later Saturday
and earlier Sunday start and further optimization of the room and
table layouts.

The old URL still works, as well as the new page from our
friends at the Vintage Computer Federation:

More info will be added in a few weeks, as well as a new registration
page for tables, talks and vending.  Please hold your tabling requests
until the announcement next month (I have to draw the chart first!)

Every minute of last year's show set a new standard as we went into
our double digits.  We look forward to seeing you all (and more) again
this year.


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