On Tue, 23 Feb 2016, Fred Cisin wrote:
Can someone explain this list reply to me what what it has to do with AT&T
On Tue, 23 Feb 2016, Alan Hightower wrote:
1) Mike lives in Colorado, Washington, Oregon, or Alaska
2) Mike fell off his Honda ATC 3-wheeler and hit is head really hard
3) Spam bot that has gone self-aware and off it's pre-programmed Viagra
sales script
I'm not sure there is a 4th choice.
4) It's a metaphor. "They" have tried for a long time to suppress the right
of the people to use AT&T 3B2! Like the Honda ATC 3-wheeler, the AT&T 3B2
afficionados shall never give up.
5) Got distracted, thought he was replying to a different message.
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