> On Feb 22, 2016, at 10:36 AM, Mazzini Alessandro <mazzi...@tin.it> wrote:
> Not to intrude, but apple could also have gone with the serious power cpu,
> thus not "needing" to move to x86. As long as there's enough of a push, sw
> houses release versions for a different architecture... and power is hardly a 
> dead end.
Iirc ditching Power in favor of x86 had a lot less to do with the computing 
power but more to do with:  A. The mobile versions of Intel processors being 
available in both more powerful and also lower power for laptops,  and B. Being 
able to leverage off of the x86 desktop/laptop chipset available to drive down 

Clearly Power is doing quite well in embedded and portable solutions today. 

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