On 09/02/2016 01:32, "Mike van Bokhoven" <m...@fenz.net> wrote:

> On 9/02/2016 9:25 a.m., Adrian Graham wrote:
>> Having had another bit of CBM kit with a failed CPU I'm wondering where you
>> lovely US folk get your spares from since ebay seems a bit ridiculous for
>> replacements at ukp8 a pop being the lowest price. They're surely not THAT
>> valuable?
> eBay does have some pretty cheap options...
> http://www.ebay.com/itm/1pcs-R6502AP-R6502-DIP-40-/170828631732?hash=item27c62
> e0eb4:g:KOUAAOxyzfNRtoK4
> Bearing in mind that although this looks authentic, it may be a re-mark,
> and it will still probably be a working 6502.

That's interesting, I wonder why those didn't come up in any of my searches
last night. They're all refurbs though other than straightening and
polishing the legs I'm unsure how a chip can be 'refurbished' :)

Found an article from someone saying they'd bought one for a 1541 and it's
fine so definitely worth a punt.


Binary Dinosaurs creator/curator
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