On 2016-01-17 18:11, Warner Losh wrote:
Would love to help, but I have the PC100-B. The PC100-A board is somewhat
different than the
PC100-B, but not super different.

Have you checked the diagnostics table in the technical reference to see
what all LEDs lit means?
I'd crack open my copy, but it is buried in boxes at the moment.

All LEDs on, means, "replace the system board".

I'm not sure, he wanted to hear that ;-)


On Sat, Jan 16, 2016 at 2:15 PM, shadoooo <shado...@gmail.com> wrote:

I recently took a DEC Rainbow PC100-A.
It has been a huge house for a lot of spiders, who deposited eggs and dead
insects all around.
After full disassembling, cleaning and reassembling, I'm ready to try it!
PSU seems to work well, power goes on with almost precise voltages, then
all the test leds on the back will lit on...
then nothing happens! No video, no sign of life.
Clearly there's a problem at the very beginning of the boot phase, that
could be caused by a lot of reasons.
In the next days I will try to analyze possible causes of the problem with
in the meantime I'm searching a schematic, as board is very complex to
follow trace-by-trace.

On bitsavers I found a schematic of PC100B, but the main board is not the
same as PC100A.
Anybody has a schematic for PC100A?

I suspect that ROMs could be damaged, anybody has a correct dump to verify
the content of the EPROMS?


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