On Jan 1, 2016 12:05 AM, "jwsmobile" <j...@jwsss.com> wrote:
> On 12/30/2015 11:45 PM, Mike Ross wrote:
>> Thanks for the thought... my main concern is the System/3s and Henk
>> Stegeman - who has forgotten more than most of us will ever know about
>> S/3! - says that 60Hz S/3 on 50Hz power is a no-go. Different voltage,
>> fine - transformer can be restrapped. Different frequency... trouble!
>> And then there are rotary machines of course. I bet you half my disks
>> drives need the right frequency or a spindle pulley change.. and even
>> then *they* probably have ferroresonants in their power...
>> Mike
> Order a boatload of 8kw honda generators?  I think you could get 40 amps
out of them.  Any reason the power has to be in phase?
> I know for the mainframe power that might not be high enough, but on
smaller machines it would take care of the problem.
> thanks
> JIm

Jim most of my 'interesting' machines - both S/3s, S/38, 1800, big disk
drives - do need three phase 60Hz. The 2741s, 3741, 5496, S/32, S/34, &
S/36 are single phase but almost certainly need 60Hz for power supplies
and/or disk drives

On the plus side all of the stuff I brought over from the UK will work fine
- includes pdp-15s, pdp-12s, KL & KS 10, and a bunch of RK05s with 50Hz
pulleys! They all take 240V 50Hz.


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