> -----Original Message-----
> From: cctalk [mailto:cctalk-boun...@classiccmp.org] On Behalf Of Marc
> Verdiell
> Sent: 27 December 2015 08:44
> To: cctalk@classiccmp.org
> Subject: RE: Looking for 3COM 3C905-TX Drivers
> >From: "Robert Jarratt" <robert.jarr...@ntlworld.com> Does anyone happen
> >to have drivers for this card? I am not sure what OSs this card was
> >supported on, so any drivers at all would be appreciated.
> I have a few versions of the drivers. They are part of Windows 98SE and
> Windows XP distribution though, I had the card recognized on its own on by
> both of these (and I suspect NT too though I didn't try). Needs more help
> Windows 95. If you can't get it to work from the links send me an email.
> Which reminds me I should ask for some drivers too...
> Marc

Thanks Marc. The drivers from the HP Enterprise site worked, although for
Windows 95 I have been unable to get TCP/IP working. DHCP is not working and
ping moans about a wrong protocol. It looks like I am missing VUDP.386 and I
could not find it on the Windows 95 CD. I am pretty sure I have another CD
with OSR2 somewhere, but I can't find it at the moment. Will have another
look at some point, but I think the driver itself is just fine now.



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