On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 1:16 PM, Ethan Dicks <ethan.di...@gmail.com> wrote: > Short version is, even the cheap and simple 555 has been replaced in > many products with a cheap-as-or-cheaper-than microcontroller, not > because it's simpler, but because it allows for greater flexibility > and reduces the overall product cost.
I got a bit of somewhat tongue-in-cheek flack recently over using a PIC for my four-phase clock generator, where dedicated logic would do. https://github.com/brouhaha/4phaseclk I was only planning to build one or two instances of the circuit, so it wasn't particularly cost-sensitive, but still, it seemed like using a PIC was both the simplest and least expensive solution. A TI SN74LS362/TIM9904 would have done the job, but I don't have any on hand, and they're now relatively expensive and hard to get. (Anyone have one or two pieces spare?)