> -----Original Message-----
> From: cctech [mailto:cctech-boun...@classiccmp.org] On Behalf Of william
> degnan
> Sent: 20 December 2015 00:34
> To: General Discussion: On-Topic Posts <cct...@classiccmp.org>
> Subject: Re: EAI TR-10 Patch Plugs
> On Sat, Dec 19, 2015 at 7:05 PM, Pete Turnbull <p...@dunnington.plus.com>
> wrote:
> > On 19/12/2015 20:41, Dave Wade wrote:
> >
> >> I can easily obtain 4mm plugs and sockets, and solder a resistor
> >> between them, but when I try and mount them on a short rigid tube all
> >> my efforts fail. The plug and socket need to be twisted in opposite
> >> directions and any soldered joint just fails.
> >>
> >> Any usggestions?
> >>
> >
> > Are you trying to screw them into a tube?  Could you instead push them
> > in and then fill the tube with epoxy or potting compound through a
> > hole in the side?

I think this type of solution is the way its going but its not very neat 
compared with the ones in the link below. 
I was actually trying to use the sleeve that came with the plug and then push 
the socket in the end.

> >
> > Could you make the tube in two short lengths, with a left-hand thread
> > between them; screw the plug into one part and then screw the socket
> > into the other while also screwing the two parts of the tube together?
> >

I think I might manage using a longer tube and flexible hook up wire.

> > Could you use a split (lengthways) tube, solder the resistor to the
> > plug and socket, and fit the tube on with epoxy?
> >

That would work...

> > Or if it doesn't need to be absolutely rigid, mould some Sugru round
> > the parts instead of using the tube?
> >

Rigid is best as you need to fit a plug in the end and then plug it into the 
patch panel..

> > --
> > Pete
> >
> Bottom of this page?
> http://www.analogmuseum.org/english/collection/eai/tr10/

Those are the thing. How on earth are those made? Some kind of contact so its 
clamped together not soldered...

> I may not follow your meaning here.  Can't you just leave patch connections
> loose as long as the ends of connection is secure? My Donner 3500 for
> example has required improvisation.
> http://vintagecomputer.net/donner/Donner-3500_voltage-test-plugs.JPG
> --

The TR-10 has no input resistors in its OP Amps. You need to put them in the 
ends of the cables as needed.
It’s a cludge but it makes converting an op amp to an integrator simpler...

> Bill


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