On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 5:41 PM, Fred Cisin <ci...@xenosoft.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 17 Dec 2015, Mike Boyle wrote:
>> I would love to have a micro and all of the 70 and 80- 87 Honda Motorcycle
>> parts! The old ATC's Gotta Love em!
> Then you should start designing a database to keep track of the parts, and
> the ones that you have.
> You will need several boxes of punched cards, a sorter (084?), and a 407.
> Or, a TRS80 with two floppies is adequate (barely) to handle a reasonable
> inventory, if you want a screen. (I did that in 1979)
> In your time frame, all parts should have the "new" Honda part numbers,
> which were introduced in about 1966? although some parts would still be
> labelled with the old part code numbering system, which was a 5 or 6 digit
> number.
> The "new" part number system (still in use!) has multiple parts.
> The first field is normally 5 digits, although sometimes also suffix
> letter(s).  Of those 5 digits, the first two are the "function number",
> followed by three digits of "component number".  That pretty much tells you
> what the part is, although not enough to get the right one for your vehicle.
> The second field, separated by hyphens is the "product code" or "parts
> classification number", and is a three digit alphanumeric code for what
> model first used that part (NOT necessarily the model of your vehicle). For
> example, "001" was a C100 motorcycle, "500" was an S500 car (not imported
> into USA, although there are dozens of S600s in USA), "551" and "568" were
> AN600, "634" was a Civic, etc.
> The third field, usually 3 digits, but often exteded with suffixes, is 2
> digits for modification number, and a digit for subcontractor.
> But "standard" parts, such as nuts and bolts, will sometimes use an
> alternate numbering system.
> The first field is two digits for function and 3 digits for type.
> The second field is dimensions.
> The optional third field is sometimes used for ISO designations.
> FINDING the right part requires extensive knowledge, including historical
> of which models previously used that part, and/or massive
> cross-referencing, such as using the Honda parts books to find the part in
> an exploded view and then treat the provided number as arbitrary.
> Parts books can be found.  Dealer price lists are harder to come by.
> --
> Grumpy Ol' Fred                 ci...@xenosoft.com
> (Honda cars 1965 - 1980)

​Hey Fred, , , ,​
​I was fortunat enough to get a full set of microfish database from 1979 to
1983 I am still scanning them I have been scanning them for about 3 years I
also have all the PDF Official Shop manuals not the usermanual But I have
them too but the actual books that they used at the Honda Shop. But I would
like to get with you on the side about building a database because the one
I have now works but it's no where near as good as the one you decribed.
and could it be done on a Cpmmodore 64? if so what program is the best
spreadsheet for the commodore 64?​

*Honda ATC 3wheeler's for LIFE!!!*

*       Have a blessed day!*

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