You should perhaps reread Noel's message - he is asking for someone
that may or may not have any interest in the well being of the
machine, but probably has a very strong interest in keeping their
business afloat. There are at least a few people on this list that are
experienced and qualified to help this guy out with some real,
rubber-hits-the-road advice on how to help.

Also, keep in mind that the membership of this list (especially the
active members) is just a small fraction of the computer collector


On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 10:15 AM, Johnny Billquist <> wrote:
> Why would anyone here want to contribute to such a question? The outcome is
> unlike to be contributing anything here anyway.
> (Or maybe I'm just naive in thinking that people who request assistance to
> maximize their profits targeting the same crowd they ask for assistance from
> (for free) is abusive.)
>         Johnny
> On 2015-12-08 15:09, Noel Chiappa wrote:
>> So I know someone who has a working 11/34 (4 RLO2's and the 11/34 in an
>> H960,
>> running RSTS/E) they want to sell, and they want to know how to maximize
>> the
>> value - i.e. whether to sell it as a complete working system, or to part
>> it
>> out - and if the latter, how to break it up?
>> (No discussion about the morality of parting it out, please; this is owned
>> by
>> a business, and they need the money to pay people's salaries.)
>> So which direction would get the most money? My sense is that parting it
>> to
>> the maximal degree possible (e.g. sell each drive separately, sell the
>> memory
>> separately from the CPU, sell the feet separately from the H960, etc) is
>> the way to get the most money, but I'm interested to hear what others
>> think.
>> Thanks for any insights!
>>         Noel

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