Ugh... Could this thread get any more offensive to people's knowledge..

On 12/2/2015 11:13 AM, Tony wrote:
Mathematically, circumference is PI times diameter or 3.14159..... times the diameter.

On 12/2/2015 11:06 AM, Fred Cisin wrote:
On Wed, 2 Dec 2015, Paul Koning wrote:
Actually, it's the circumference that matters, not the diameter.

I always thought that there was a relatively stable relationship between those! :-) Circumference tends to be a little over 3 times the diameter (3.0 in some states) :-)

Does the circumference of a rubber roll change significantly when you press on it?
If it shifts or squeezes out to the sides, not so much.
If it compresses, yes.

Before TPMS, some cars got a crude estimation of low tire pressure by comparing the RPM of a tire (ABS sensors) with its fully inflated brethren. (circumference changing with pressure change)

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