> On Nov 23, 2015, at 2:37 PM, Johnny Billquist <b...@update.uu.se> wrote:
> ...
>>>> While, MSCP is interesting in that it's somewhat drive independent, it's
>>>> complex and it only really works with newer OS's.
>>> Well, "newer" in this case is sortof anything beyond the mid 80s. :-)
>> RSTS added MSCP support in V8, so if you want to run V7 you'll want to have 
>> a traditional disk emulation.
> Yeah. And unless I remember wrong, V8 came in 1986?

No, 1983.  I remembered wrong, though; UDA50 support arrived in RSTS 7.2, in 

A nice reference for RSTS history is the wonderfully fictional "RSTS 80th 
anniversary" document.  A copy of it lives here: 
http://www.silverware.co.uk/rsts_80th_birthday.htm .  I don't remember who 
wrote that; it came out as part of the 20th anniversary celebration, in 1990.  
In other words, the entries for 1990 and before are basically accurate; 
everything after that is a product of some very nice imagination.


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