-----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- From: Jay West
Sent: Monday, November 23, 2015 4:29 AM
To: cctalk@classiccmp.org
Subject: flash (or ide) storage for unibus 11?

I'm looking for a modern storage (ie. anywhere from 100mb to "huge") device
for an 11/44. I think I have seen a few hobbyist projects that were flash
based, I thought I saw one that was an IDE interface....

Long story short I've satisfied the purist in me by putting an RL02 on the
machine, but that's just not enough storage for that particular system.
Anyone know of a good project to add some modern storage to get me over the
available storage on the RL02?

Although it is not quite 100 MB, IIRC Pete McCollum made a simple
interface that mimics an RX01. It is a small dual-width card, and
needs additionally an M105 (address decode) and M7821 (interrupt)
single-width card. The dual-width card connects to the parallel port
of a PC. A program on the PC handles the transfers.

The nice thing of this design is that it uses the standard DX.sys
(or DXX.sys). No changes what-s-ever for RT11 (what I used).  What I
have forgotten is that there was NO limit (or some higher value limit)
to the data stored in the files on the PC.

So, maybe not suitable for 100 MBs, but still a project that deserves
some attention (IMHO).

- Henk

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