Might not really be old enough for this audience but it's an obscure enough question! I have an AS/400 9406-S20 - mid 1990s vintage. These things could have what IBM called an 'Integrated Netfinity Server' - basically an Intel PC on a board, using space on AS/400 disk etc. Two such boards work in this machine: the 2852 (Pentium Pro) and 2865 (Pentium II).
Both ran NT, and that's well-documented in a Redbook. Both could also allegedly run OS/2 and Netware. it wasn't officially supported I know, but did anyone ever succeed in shoehorning Linux onto either of these boards? If so, how? Official support only came with the next iteration of hardware (which my system can't use), and relied on the 'PC on a board' having USB ports, and involved the use of a USB floppy drive (!) to complete the Linux install process! (I'm at V5R2 btw, and have had NT running on this board) Mike http://www.corestore.org 'No greater love hath a man than he lay down his life for his brother. Not for millions, not for glory, not for fame. For one person, in the dark, where no one will ever know or see.'