On Sun, Nov 22, 2015, Jerry Kemp wrote:
> A question for the OP.
> I know that since all the Snowden stuff that took place back a bit, many
> sites have moved from http to https.
> Is your ISP able to inject content into "secure" https connections?  Or only
> http transactions, going across the wire in plain text?
> Jerry

I'm not sure, but I'm betting https sites just refuse to connect --
which is how my employer's network handles https.

> On 11/22/15 09:05 AM, geneb wrote:
> >On Sun, 22 Nov 2015, Eric Christopherson wrote:
> >
> >>My ISP injects into web pages a helpful heads-up message if your account
> >If you can, run screaming to another ISP.  I don't care how "helpful" they're
> >trying to be, content injection like that should be punished with a public
> >skinning.
> >
> >Until then, try pointing your DNS to (Google) and see if that 
> >prevents
> >their shenannigans.
> >
> >g.
> >

        Eric Christopherson

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