The Baudot thing sure brings back some memories. I still recall hooking teletype's up thru KW-7 boxes, and performing ryryryryryryryryr test.

I don't recall enough of the specifics, but it was either

Y = 10101
R = 01010

or reversed.


On 11/ 5/15 02:14 PM, tony duell wrote:

The original Baudot code, as used on the 5-key chording keyboard thing
was also a 5 level code, but quite different in how the characters were 
encoded. There
was also Murray code which is similar to ITA2 but one major difference is that
there are 'letter space' and 'figure space' codes (which move the carriage one 
and select the appropriate 'shift' rather than letters and figures shift 
characters which
just select the shift, along with a seprate space character. So in Murray code 
you could
not send ABC12XY63, it would have to be ABC 12 XY 63


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