> I've got a set of mystery 5.25" DD floppies that appear to be a
> backup of some sort.  [...]

> The start of the first sector of the first floppy looks like this:

> 000000  50 43 42 41 43 4B 55 50-2E 01 00 50 43 42 00 06
> 000090  9A 01 00 1E 00 01 00 54-55 52 42 4F 43 5C 00 00

> Note that it starts off with 'PCBACKUP'.  This doesn't seem to match
> anything in my library.  Anyone got any ideas.

Well, just in case you managed to miss it, note the "TURBOC\" string
starting at offet 000097.  I don't know whether this is the name of the
directory being backed up or some indication that it's a Turbo C backup
program or what, but it might be some kind of clue.

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