I can't answer that question directly... The new Steve Jobs movie,
while a good, entertaining Sorkin film, is great, but by not a history
of personal computing or even Apple.

If you haven't read Hackers by Steven Levy, I'd recommend that as a
fun starting point!

On Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 12:40 PM, Murray McCullough
<c.murray.mccullo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What is the role played by the U.S. gov. in helping to create the
> microcomputer? What money & expertise did it provide?  “Steve Jobs the
> Movie” doesn’t mention this nor have  books written about him and
> microcomputers in general mentioned this. Not even mine! Do the
> computers we love owe more to gov. than we care to admit? Granted I'm
> a Cdn. and 'we' here up north view it somewhat differently than
> Americans...
> Happy computing.
> Murray  :)

Ben Sinclair

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