I have a rev 4 Apple II in the 38000 s/n range.  I'm hoping to, over the
years, gradually trade my way up to a Rev 0.  I've seen Rev 0 units go on
ebay recently for around $3000ish.  Below that seems to be a jumble, mostly
to do with completeness, originality, etc.  Although, no always.  Some have
had motherboards upgraded to newer versions and still gone for $2500.


Anyway, I'm looking to move up.  My questions (and I realize this is all


1)      What would my Apple II rev 4 be worth?  Again it's serial number is
in the 38000 range, black label.  It was in France and had its original
board replaced with a clone board, and some customization including a small
switch for power that was drilled into the back of the case was done.  I
have installed a Rev 4 board with Integer Basic chips.  I also did some
repairs on the keyboard and it is fully functional, but the repairs involved
a couple of jumper wires to deal with bad traces.

2)      What would you be willing to pay for a 12000 range s/n Rev 2 that is
in so/so  condition, some rusty chip legs and non-functional keyboard?  Is a
Rev 2 anything special?





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