> On Oct 27, 2015, at 10:34 AM, Randy Dawson <rdawso...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> If anybody ships a TTY, I recommend this:  Make the box a, 3x, 4x  TTY sized  
> double wall cardboard box, filled with peanuts, and the TTY nestled in the 
> core of the surrounding peanut cushion.  They are going to shake and drop it, 
> and all that foam and peanut will give the printer a cushion and lower the 
> G's the TTY and printer will experience.  An 'UP ARROW' means nothing, nor 
> does 'FRAGILE'


Peanuts do *nothing* except take up space when there a multiple *small* items.  
The heavy item will “settle” and have nothing surrounding it.  The peanuts act 
a fluid during shipping.

What I do when shipping heavy items:
a) have a well constructed heavy crate
b) use packaged expanding foam to completely immobilize the item.  This stuff 
(when used properly) will provide some cushion and will also ensure that the 
item does not move.
c) mark crate up and fragile

Another alternative that I’ve used prior to expanding foam packages is to use 
foam padding.  Again you want to fill up *all* the space so that the item can’t 

TTFN - Guy

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