Hi Noel
That sounds good. Just refresh my memory. C+K are the what I
would call PDP8 type?
I think the PDP-8 type are a basic slide switch with a U shaped bracket
to hold the pivot pins on the lever.
One type is is a biased type and the other just a change over.
So far everything is based on a 465mm x 210mm (18.25" x 8.25") perspex
(plexiglass) blank.
In an attempt to get ahead of the requests I have been trawling the web
for pictures of anything DEC that has a front panel.
It would seem you are Mr Switches and I am Panel Man. !!
On 25/10/15 15:59, Noel Chiappa wrote:
> From: Rod Smallwood
> I'm in the drawing stage for 11/45 11/55 11/70 (common blank size)
I think the 11/40 uses that same blank, too (with less holes than the other
ones, as it doesn't have the two rotary switches); dunno about the location of
the power switch, someone who has an 11/40 will have to send you measurements.
> given a scan and measurements .. I can have a go at most types of panel.
The ones I personally would like (after the 11/45 :-) are the indicator panels
for the RF11, RK11-C and RP11. Guy will be using the RF11 panels too, not sure
if he has started on producing them yet.
> Now we need a ... switches source
Let me see if the C+K ones I have ordered fit. If so, if I buy a large group
directly from C+K, we might be able to get the price down to something
reasonable, which would save us the hassle of two different kinds of
toggles/actuators (one for the original panels, one for reproductions).