Hi Noel
Your ps comments are very perceptive.
I have no doubt that people out there are gathering TTL even as we speak.
The one I always call to mind is the guys who built themselves flight
out of genuine parts.
I've seen replica cars of all kinds.
Boats yes
Steam Engines are good but one group built a brand new railway engine
from 1930's drawings.
I think its got to the stage where if we can cooperate the result will
be more than the sum of the parts.
There is already a spirit of mutual assistance amongst the list members.
Working towards a common goal transcends any other personal aversions
people may have.
As you know I'm collecting front panel designs and recreating the
original artwork.
Apart from a few mechanical details in print sets I have not seen any
detail panel drawings anywhere.
Photos yes also line drawings in handbooks. All too small to be of much use.
Oh well I'm getting there but it can be slow. (interesting all the same)
On 23/10/15 17:59, Noel Chiappa wrote:
> From: Rod Smallwood
> perhaps we can pool our knowledge and and allocate getting different
> parts sourced/made to different people.
Makes sense to me.
> 2. Lever keys (pdp8 type and PDP11 type )
For the PDP-11, there are three kinds of plastic toggle/actuator: one like the
ones used on the mid-age PDP-8's, used on the 11/20; one sui generis one used
on the 11/05; one for the 11/40/45/70. The latter two use the toggle switch
(the one we've just been discussing); the 11/20 one uses a slide switch.
ISTR that there's a CAD drawing for the first kind, and maybe the third too.
> I shall now go and hide behind my six foot / nineteen inch main rack in
> case of heavy flack
No, makes sense (to me, at least).
PS: I can see where this is going: first we're already making parts like front
panels; we're about to start making/selling new cards (I'm thinking MEM-11,
etc, here); soon someone will start reproducing some of the older boards that
are now rare, and command high prices (my suggestion for the first - the M792
diode ROM board); and then it will be cabinets like the H960 (ditto); and then
finally, somewhere down the line, you'll be able to buy a complete,
brand-spanking-new PDP-8 or PDP-11. Just like the vintage steam engine scene
in the UK; first they started making new parts to repair the old ones, and now
there are several groups building entire new engines entirely out of new