I've got a few (ADM-11, several Falco models) but would have to check to see which ones (if any) are still working; if you're patient, contact me off-list.

You could also have a look through A-1 Electronics on North Queen; never know what you'll find there.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Brian Adams" <f...@stenoweb.net>
To: <cctalk@classiccmp.org>
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2015 2:16 PM
Subject: Looking for Serial Terminals

Hi there,

I've been wanting to get a nice serial terminal to use with my old systems (mostly UNIX) for a while now, but I haven't managed to find anything locally. Over the past few years I've been to thrifts, garage sales, surplus shops... But I haven't found any. This sort of surprises me, as Toronto isn't a small town.

Is there anybody around the Toronto area that has a few extra dumb terminals lying around, or does anybody know of a good source for them around the Toronto area?



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