I have a decserver 550 CPU converted to a real KDJ. It's as simple as new ROMS  
and one resistor. I also removed the s-box bracket to fit my chassis. Runs BSD 
2.11 just fine (RQDX3 disks) 


> On Oct 19, 2015, at 12:28 PM, jwsmobile <j...@jwsss.com> wrote:
> I would appreciate thoughts on the conversion of the processor to normal 
> PDP11 eproms.
> The page pointed to earlier has a mention of that too, but the poster had 
> access to another "real" KDJ and I am guessing copied that.
> I don't have access to any version of the system with appropriate eproms and 
> would appreciate any pointers to the binaries needed.
> As to the condition most of the material is the result of moving it from 
> where it was stored.  It will be totally disassembled and tested before being 
> brought back up.  There is about 5 or 6 large deep freeze (for reference) 
> sized piles of material being sent for e-waste from the place that is pretty 
> much just junk material under the weather.
> Think of this as a Dusenberg rescued from a barn though.
> thanks for all the suggestions and observations.
> Next thing to go over is a Sun 4/260 "mini" tower.  Gads those were heavy.  
> Back is still aching from moving that.
> Jim
>> On 10/19/2015 7:32 AM, Ethan Dicks wrote:
>>> On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 3:42 AM, Pontus Pihlgren <pon...@update.uu.se> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Interesting. I thought Tthe DECserver 550 was merely the big brother in
>>> the terminal server line. But it looks like it is essentially a
>>> PDP-11/53 with 1.5MW of ram, you need new boot roms though. Pretty nice.
>> Yep.  It's essentially an S-box KDJ11 with different ROMs.  I happen
>> to have a CPU board from one, but not the box itself.
>> One of these days, I plan to burn "real" PDP-11 ROMs and bring 2.11BSD
>> up on mine.  That and my Pro380 are my only KDJ11 machines.
>> -ethan

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