> -----Original Message-----
> From: cctalk [mailto:cctalk-boun...@classiccmp.org] On Behalf Of Peter
> Coghlan
> Sent: 16 October 2015 22:47
> To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
> Subject: RE: Opening a DECserver 90M External PSU
> Robert Jarratt wrote:
> >
> > I tried to pry mine open, but it seemed that if I kept going I would
> > end up damaging it more than I would like. Do you have a picture of
> > the opened casing I could see? That would help me to see how best to
open it.
> >
> Here you go:
> http://www.beyondthepale.ie/H7082-AB.jpg
> There was a row of locating pegs on each side of the lid (or base,
depending on
> the way you look at it).  The row on one side all broke off at the half
way point
> with their other halves remaining stuck to the larger part of the box.
> They all remained intact on the the other side.  I don't recall but the
ones that
> broke may have been on the side I managed to separate first.
> Regards,
> Peter Coghlan.

Thanks very much for this. Interesting that there is a fuse inside. You
would think the casing would be designed to allow the fuse to be replaced



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