A nine track drive would certainly not work with an ACARD adapter- they are 
"intelligent" designed for mass storage. And on top of that the only adapters I 
know of go the wrong way (IDE devices on a SCSI bus), though I haven't 
researched the reverse.

I gave Josh Dersch a Xircom USB to SCSI not so long ago and we had no issue 
getting it to talk to an HP SCSI 9-track tape drive and even streaming music 
off of it.

Linux handles both devices fine- plug and play.

I have a Microtech USB to SCSI and it worked similarly although my 9-track 
streamer is sort of screwed.

There's not even a project here. Connect the cables and try it, or forever hold 
your postulation... ;)

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 16, 2015, at 08:05, et...@757.org wrote:

>> Horrific hijacking topic-drift but I remember your name from a recent
>> google... ages ago you were trying to get an IBM 9348 9-track working
>> with a USB to SCSI converter... did you succeed? What did you use? I'm
>> in exactly the same position!
>> Thanks
>> Mike
> *AWESOME* You just reminded me of a project I need to get back to. Yea I was 
> planning to use it as media storage for car audio (storing music on 9 track 
> tape.)
> I have the drive still. I managed to get a SE to DIFF converter board and 
> boxes. IIRC I bought one, then ended up with more from a SGI computer haul. 
> The tape drive has a board internally that comes in both a SE and DIFF 
> version, but the SE board was way more than the cost of a converter which 
> should just be some simple logic chips or op amps or whatever.
> I bought some tapes from eBay for the project, have those nearby.
> The USB to SCSI adapter I had -- I think the trick to it is it could only 
> handle 1 device, and the SCSI ID had to be 0 or 1. I still haven't but 
> haven't used it.
> These days, if I revist the project, I'd probably go with an ACARD or modern 
> similar device that does IDE To SCSI bridging.
> I have no idea how tape drives work, and how those little bridge gadgets 
> handle forwarding SCSI CDB and other data. Are they only meant for hard 
> drives? Could NetBSD unix tape commands work with the drive? Not really sure.
> The drive is in Norfolk in storage.
> So I got all the parts, then never got around to making it go. One thing was 
> all the cables needed since it was like 68 to 68 then 68 to 50 then 50 to 25 
> to use the USB thing. I never settled on the playback board, now there are 
> way more options!
> At one point I even had permission from the 80s band Information Society to 
> use there song "Where would we be without IBM" in a video of the whole thing. 
> Hmp.
> --
> Ethan O'Toole

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