I re-read the artical and backplane is what he called it. At least he
called the wirewrap version that.
I went back to my engineer days and tried to think what I would have
called it.
Bus board or main interconnect is all I can think of.
On 15/10/2015 18:18, Fred Cisin wrote:
Wire wrapped motherboard and only one in existance ! Sheesh what a
On Thu, 15 Oct 2015, Mark Linimon wrote:
minor quibble: I doubt they called it a "motherboard" in that time
More likely "backplane".
Wasn't the B5900 from 1980?
"Motherboard" was around then, although Burroughs might not have used it.
Burroughs might very well have been more inclined to call it "backplane".
"The earliest known reference to motherboard, the main circuit board
of a personal computer, comes from a 1971 article in the British
journal Electrical and Electronics Abstracts, according to the Oxford
English Dictionary. The article refers to one daughterboard mounted
vertically on a computer size motherboard."
Google is not my friend today. I'm encountering multiple variants of
"in the 1980s and 1990s, it became popular to put peripheral
controllers on the board", red and blue text overlayed on a full color
picture, "IBM PC was the first motherboard" (especially amusing since
it was similar form factor and basic layout as Apple][)
S100 backplane was often called a "motherboard".
By 1978, the Apple ][ main board was called a "motherboard" in the
industry, although IIRC, Apple preferred to call it a "logic board".
IBM explicitly refused to call it a "motherboard" on the 5150.
According to an unreliable source (my late uncle working there at the
time), that was due to horrified shock at TV coverage of Black Panther
speeches at Merritt College in Oakland in the late 1960s (when I had
attended) and on, that had very extensive use of the word
MOTHER__!" To avoid association,
IBM refused to call it a "motherboard".
In the late 1960s, Merritt College had a 1401 and a 1620.
Some say that Peralta Community College District's decision to move
Merritt College up into the suburban hills in 1972? was in order to
pull the campus out from under the Panthers. In early 1980s, Merritt
College had a DEC with a rarely working third party drive, and then
switched to 5150s in 1983. I taught up on the hill for 20 years,
starting in 1983 (total of more than 30 years teaching in the PCCD
Grumpy Ol' Fred ci...@xenosoft.com
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