> -----Original Message----- > From: cctalk [mailto:cctalk-boun...@classiccmp.org] On Behalf Of > drlegendre . > Sent: 15 October 2015 00:35 > To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts > <cctalk@classiccmp.org> > Subject: Re: Fair price and ways to find a teletype > > Brad, > > A few montns ago, with a fair bit of help of the folks on this list, I did up > an > Altair 8800 rebuild. And apparently you & I both saw the same videos, as I got > all hot and bothered about getting an ASR33 and using it to load software - > BASIC, for starters - into the Altair. And again, on members' > suggestion, I joined the Greenkeys list. > > Too bad, but I was totally +shocked+ at the 'value' placed on ASR33 these > days!! Thousand dollars and more, not all all unusual.. and my resources just > can't justify that level of expenditure for what is generally a 'cheap' DIY > hobby of sorts. Meanwhile, a Greenkeys member in St. Louis, MO popped > up with a very nice M15 (ex-Bell) that was Free to Good Home. I have (or at > least had, ha!) a good friend in St. Louis, and he was able to take care of > the > pickup for me - and several months later, i arranged to have it delivered to > my house by a relative. > > Now the M15 isn't a 33ASR, and lacks the paper tape punch & reader (though > devices do exist). But what it is, is a truly fantastic piece of > electro-mechanical > engineering that borders on the "tight metal" genre of some earlier business > machines, such as the Felt & Tarrant Comptometer. If you have general > mechanical experience, I'd say the M15 is roughly on a par with a 2-spd or > even 3-spd automatic transmission, in terms of mechanical complexity (the > the tranny will have a higher parts count.. I think!). > > So while they can be worked with, and documentation is plentiful, they are a > bit intimidating the first time you see one in action - or inaction, as it > may be - > and they do NOT respond kindly to false moves or other ham-fistery. But > they are well worth learning, and don't yet seem to have joined their later > progeny in the financial stratosphere. > > -Bill >
I think you would be surprised to know that M15 and other Baudot teletypes were used with early computers. Not sure about the Altair but I certainly used a Creed 7B with my 6809 based system. Again no paper tape, I had an Audio tape system. They were also widely used in the UK on early computers in the UK. The Manchester MK1, Ferranti Pegasus, Ferranti Mercury, Cambridge ENIAC all used 5-level Creed teleprinters as output devices. As I am sure I have said before, Mercury and Pegasus actually output 5-level tape on a high speed punch which was then feed into a storage bin under the counter, and then read on a slower reader connected to the Teleprinter. So physical buffering... Dave G4UGM