Hi Simon, Hello to the group,

this weekend I went digging for the Calcomp 1038/1039 manual and
if your plotter looks like this...


...I may have what you need. Drop me a note and I will try to
scan the schematics next week and load them onto my web
page. Did you make any progress with the plotter already?

   Best regards,


P.S. My plotter is a 1038 which has been upgraded with the
PCI/906 interface but it only has got a single pen holder. Does
your plotter have got three colors?

On Mon, 21 Sep 2015, Erik Baigar wrote:

Hi All,

the 1039 is an interesting plotter I have got a 1038/1039 as well: There are two
PCBs inside - one is for the low level functions (essentally driving the servos
drawing lines using TTL implemented Bresenham) the second one contains the
computer (68xx based) which is handling the communication.

So for simply moving the pens with the arrow buttons, the computer PCB may not
necessary. Have you tried this?

The computer PCB controls the LEDs and blinking may well indicate a problem on
the computer PCB - I thinke I have got a set of documentation. But unfortunately
it is
stored away, but surely I can do a search within the next four weeks if there is
real interest. I even read out the bipolar PROMs of the processor card for
some years ago...

   Erik, e...@baigar.de

tony duell <a...@p850ug1.demon.co.uk> hat am 20. September 2015 um 20:02

Hi All,

we have a 1039 in our space with the user guide, but without any service
docs. Our specimen does not react to buttons except the reset and test
buttons. the four statusleds light up on a reset and after a second the
center two leds start blinking in sequence. paper and pens are loaded as
per the user guide.

Silly question... It doesn't happen to use 2114 RAMs does it? If so, check
replace them. I've foudn such RAM in printers/plotters from many manufacturers
and perhaps 90%+ of electronic problems are caused by them.


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