Spot on. it HAS the 2114 ram chips. now to find replacements..
strange enough there are 12 positions for ram chips and two of them are
left unpopulated: pos 1 and pos 7.
On 20-09-15 20:02, tony duell wrote:
Hi All,
we have a 1039 in our space with the user guide, but without any service
docs. Our specimen does not react to buttons except the reset and test
buttons. the four statusleds light up on a reset and after a second the
center two leds start blinking in sequence. paper and pens are loaded as
per the user guide.
Silly question... It doesn't happen to use 2114 RAMs does it? If so, check
replace them. I've foudn such RAM in printers/plotters from many manufacturers
and perhaps 90%+ of electronic problems are caused by them.
Met vriendelijke Groet,
Simon Claessen